The Spirit of Silverado
Beside a highway in Southeast Arizona that was once the Butterfield Stagecoach Line
Lies a place of mystery that seems unconstrained by the surly bonds of time
And in evening quiet one may find the scenes and sounds of times long ago
Here at this place of quiet and mysterious beauty, this wondrous Silverado
Listen carefully now and you may hear the sounds of the clattering hoofbeats and drivers shout
In the mind's eye one may see the tired and dusty travelers alight the coach and walk about
For the ghosts of those who struggled and blazed the trails that we in our time travel to and fro
May be found among the many spirits here today at this quiet and mystic spot known as Silverado
The weak and lame, the lonely and hurt, the fearful and troubled, and all who of this life despair
Will find here in this high desert among our Makers other creatures , a place where troubles repair
The comfort of the soft touch and silent commune with the creatures found here, you will know
At this place of quiet beauty and mystery, this place of peace, comfort and healing, called Silverado
When at the end of your stopover here, like the travelers of old, rested , you remount your coach and
Continue your journey to other destinations in the great and wondrous America land
Know that a part of you will always dwell here among the peaceful spirits, and no matter where you go
You will be remembered and welcome here at this quiet and mystic place called Silverado